Sunday, February 7, 2010

What's been happening......

I haven't blogged for a while probably because I haven't been as camera happy as usual but I thought I would give you an update anyways even if it's just to get things off my chest. I must admit I use this space as a bit of a diary.

Lots has been happening in Melbourne with my brother's wife Vicky being sick. She suffers from post-natal depression and it has hit hard this time. I waited to blog til she was getting better and things seem to be a little better now. Sean has been coping well as usual but losing a fair bit of sleep over it. I have been back and forth on the phone but there isn't much other than the occassional phone call I can do from here. I didn't want to disturb Sean too much over it because he has had a lot to organise with two kids. Hopefully in a few weeks Vicky will be back at home and cuddling my nephews Daniel and Christian again.
My mum and dad have been looking after Daniel and Christian somtimes as well. They even missed out on a trip they planned to look after Daniel while Sean goes back to work. They give so much when it comes to family and I am relieved to have them as parents. I can't say I haven't had my problems with my parents but who doesn't, plus they have had more problems with me over the years that has given them enought to worry about. They are coming to Sydney to go on a cruise at the end of March so I will get to see them for a short time.

My flatmate has now moved out and I have a vacant bedroom. I think Grahame is going to move in because he is doing super well not drinking. He was having the occassional beer but now he has given up drinking all together............phew! I would like the help paying the rent too and I think we are ready to make another go of it.
I've had my keen eye on the cricket, especially this man above Mitchell Johnson. He has been rested for a while but he is back fast bowling now. Shaun Tait managed to get the fastest ball in Australia on Friday night at the 20-20 in Melbourne, great to watch. The Windies are in Australia now and coming up to Sydney this week, I am hoping to go on Friday.
My neice and nephew have started at new schools this year and I am so proud of them. Jo sent me some photos of them on their first day and they looked super keen. I was glad to hear how keen they were, I remember thinking how scared I was when I went to new schools so I am super happy to hear they are growing up and 'tuffng up'.
I have my firies exam on Sunday the 14th of February (Valentine's Day). I am confident in my theory but was less confident in practical. Sunday 7th of February training took us through some trial runs of fire situations so I am more confident now.
I spoke to my friend Jacqui on the weekend and she is getting married in August. Plans are in place to have the hens night at the start of May so fingers crossed I can afford the trip to Melbourne for it.
That's life for now........I'm not Derryn Hinch.

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